Light Adjusting Wallpaper Changer (LAWC) Released

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Light Adjusting Wallpaper Changer (LAWC) [FREE]: Is an advanced and feature rich Windows wallpaper manager that will adjust the images based on the time of day, so they can darken and lighten automatically. The aim is to not only give you much more control over your wallpaper display, but to also minimise glare and blue light at night, and to brighten and increase blue light during the day.

A number of bigger issues with the application have been resolved, and a lot of smaller ones cleaned up too. The source code is also now available on Github.

This release *should* be close to the final 1.0 version, except for bug fixing of course.

Read more, and download it here

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I have a Bachelors Degree in Science (Computer Science). Im an application developer, home renovator, pet lover, vaper, and much more. I have been diagnosed with ADHD as an adult.
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