Fast Photo Renamer

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Fast Photo Renamer is a FREE Windows application to quickly and easily rename image files, especially photos.
You can rename individual files, or perform Bulk Renaming of all of the files in a chosen directory (including sub directories). The filenames can optionally be cleaned up, removing excess spaces and underscores, and adding capital letters to each word.
Fast Photo Renamer uses a Template to allow you to name the files the way you want, using information such as the Date and Time the picture was taken, folder name, size, location, and much more.

WARNING: The current release will lose image quality each time the Exif / Metadata is changed and saved. I am waiting on an update to MagickImage.NET to resolve this.

Exmples coming soon


Free Download

Latest Version BETA x64 (22/Nov/2019)
NOTE: This is a VERY EARLY release.
There be bugs in thar!
Download Fast Photo Renamer Now! 

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Coming Soon


  • Rename files quickly, one by one, or by bulk renaming
  • Add/Edit metadata for JPG images
  • Template filenaming tool
  • Will replace / update dates and times already in filenames with the files modify (creation) date
  • Bulk rename function using template
  • View metadata location on a map
  • Ability to undo multiple renamings
  • more information coming soon…

Requirements: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7. .NET 4.8 or later.

Possible Enhancements

  • None – Suggest one in the comments below

Known Issues

  • None Known

Change History 2019-10-18 BETA
* Inital version

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