Detect Network Changes

Detect Network Changes Application Icon


Detect Network Changes Application Icon

Tired of not knowing when your network goes down? Online gaming being interrupted by outages? Use the Detect Network Changes application to get alerted when the state of a network changes in Windows, rather than having to check the network icon.
You simply select the network you want to monitor, and if it disconnects or connects, changes IP Address, network ID, adapter ID, connection ID, Adapter name, or Network name, then you will be notified via a sound, notification and/or a popup.


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Latest Version RC (30/Jul/2019)
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Detect Network Changes Main Screen


  • Select from any available network on your PC
  • Records the current state of the chosen network, and notifies you if it changes
  • Choose from a popup, notification, and a warning sound
  • Detect the following: network and internet disconnects/connects, changes to IP Address, network ID, adapter ID, connection ID, Adapter name, and Network name

Requirements: Windows 10. .NET 4.8 or later.

Source Code

The source code for Detect Network Changes is available on GitHub

Possible Enhancements

  • None

Known Issues

  • None Known

Change History 2019-07-30 RC
* Updated to .NET 4.8
* Added checking for new version
* Added custom sound control
* Enable / disable function
* Manual refresh button 2019-07-22 RC
* Added link speed display and checking
* Fixed issue with notifications not always appearing as expected
* Added Reset Settings function 2019-07-16 RC
* Created.

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